Northern Seattle Grace Church
Joshua Fellowship
Members are adults, mainly speaking in Mandarin. Content includes potluck dinner, praise worship, praying, Bible study, sharing, recreational activities, and refreshment after meeting. The goals are to equip the saints for maturity and works of service, to love each other, eventually building up God’s family and His Kingdom. Children are welcome to attend. Child care/teaching class is provided.
时间:每周五晚 7:30-9:00pm
Zion Fellowship
錫安團契是華恩堂的成人粵語團契, 每週一次聚會, 分別在週五晚上或週六早上。週五晚上於7:30-9:00pm 用Zoom在網上舉行,而週六則於早上10:00-11:30am在教會舉行; 隨後有pot-luck午餐、弟兄姊妹及朋友之間的交誼時間。以「團契是家,主愛你我他」為主題,透過唱詩、禱告、靈修分享、查經、專題講座等彼此交通、並有其他各種活動,例如健身運動,探訪、傳福音、郊遊、社區服務等,讓團友在團契生活中互相關愛,彼此服事。
Zion is a fellowship for Cantonese speaking adults. We meet in a hybrid format, both in-person and on-line through Zoom. On Friday evenings, we meet through Zoom from 7:30pm to 9:00pm. Once a month, we meet on Saturday morning between 10:00 and 11:30 am, followed by pot-luck lunch gathering. Our fellowship activities include Bible study, music sharing, book sharing, hobby sharing, devotion, prayers, special topics, and various other functions such as physical exercise, games, outreach, visitation, outdoor picnic, and community service. We welcome all Cantonese speaking friends to join us, as we learn to love and serve together as one family.
时间:每週六 早上10:00-11:30am在教會舉行
Chinese Sister's group
姊妹团契是姐妹们一起学习圣经的话语,彼此相爱,互相关怀扶持,见证神的恩典。除了查经,我们还见证分享 、 郊游 …… 等多样化的节目安排。欢迎各年龄层的姊妹及福音朋友们一同来参加 , 体验在主𥚃姊妹们相聚在一起的丰富和喜悦。
Sisters' fellowship is where sisters study the Bible together, love, care and support each other, and testify to God's grace. In addition to Bible study, we also witnessed a variety of program arrangements such as sharing, outings, etc. Sisters of all ages and friends of the gospel are welcome to come and experience the richness and joy of being together in the Lord's sisters.
每两周二早上 10:00am - 12:00pm
地址:华恩堂教会 101教室
Lord's Love Fellwship
如有興趣了解和參加團契聚會請聯絡李傳道Paster Ken。
聚會時間:第二及第四周五下午七時 7:00pm - 8:00pm
Agape Fellowship
Agape is a fellowship for Cantonese speaking young adults who are at career age, including single adults and married couples with young kids. Childcare is provided during fellowship, so parents can have quality fellowship time free from distractions. For 2023, we are actively studying the books of Samuel from the Old Testament. We also spend quality time sharing and praying together. From time to time, we arrange activities suitable for the entire family to participate. We welcome all Cantonese speaking young adult brothers and sisters, as well as those who are seeking the Word to join us.
Meeting time: every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month, 7-9pm at church.